Wednesday 23 November 2011

Welcome....the world according to G

Salam, Welcome to my humble online abode.

I have hesitated for almost a whole year -if not more- to start writing but i guess its about time for me to actually write something here.

First, I must say m glad to have had a member who believed in me even before i started writing and I must say that I will try to honor that trust and faith from "Mimi".

Now lets get down to a very essential question.....what's with the name? why "Shaykh G"?

Some of you might be asking them selves and having their own theories but you won't believe the story behind it lol

It is actually a funny story to tell that originated in the far away island of New Zealand.



But hey thats no fun telling you everything no better keep you in suspense for now and keep you guessing and i would love to hear what you guys think was the reason behind the name ;) so keep the posts rolling.

As for what I would discuss here, I will probably be throwing random thoughts on various matters of interest and controversy from religion, business, psychology, human development, spirituality, or even.....what bugs me in the world.

Hope you enjoy the trip and the humble hospitality of Shaykh G.

Laters ;)


  1. أحلى شيخ جي!!!
    Me no understanda zee angalisha... kan you beleez tranzlet to 3arabiky? lol

  2. Yaman my bro welcome to my humble abode
    I am considering starting an arabic blog sometime but once i get the hangs of blogging.
    Will try to focus n prefect it in one language before diversification lol
    Again regards to my beloved kiwis, miss u all n miss kiwi land

  3. Good to see another English language blogger from Oman. Can you paint the wall of the house in your background picture? It is hard to read your posts :-)

  4. Thanks Slim and sure I will work on that and probably redesigning it still new to the blogging scene and your feed back is most useful. :-)

  5. I see you made a change, much easier to read now!

  6. Well I had to insure my visitors are feeling comfortable at their online home :)

    thanks for your feedback Slim :)
